Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is Aster a silly name?

No, it is not a silly name. It is different and unique as you are a unique and different indivdual since we are all different in our own way, no one is the same. I have a unique name as well and I was not real fond of it for awhile either than someone told me basically that It was a special name for a special person, so now I am passing that on to you. Be Proud of you name, your not out there with a different name at least your name is'nt Scout, Apple,Hummer, just to name a few.:)

Is Aster a silly name?
Reply:Only to people who don't use it on a regular basis. Once people become familiar with a name and a person, it becomes far less silly. It also depends where you are from. Foreign names always sound silly to foreign folks.

I like unique names and highly recommend using them. Aster is not a silly name. No sillier than any other name. (Just look at the names people choose to use as American Idol contestants!)
Reply:Only if your last name is roid or hole. If you are expecting and want to find a unique name, go to the social security administration website there you will find a link that goes to cenus since 1800's. Look way back at the top names and look at the bottom ones. Names come and go just luck fashions and great big hair rock bands.

It is only silly if you think so and if your saying it it likely may be. Don't worry about names, your childs life will only revolve around it for the rest of their life.

Happy name hunting and I hope the birth if near is easy

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