Saturday, November 19, 2011

I need a good system for trying to keep my house not a mess. I am a big packrat and very prone to let things?

go and need a system for keeping a better house and not wasting time on the computer but instead doing things like cleaning, exercising, organizing, eating better, and bringing more joy into my life.

I tend to be highly distractible and totally unscheduled. What tips might help me keep the house better and focus on things that have rewards instead of being time asters. My son just told me I also waste lots of time being introspective and I realized lately how much of my life has been wasted on worrying and feeling depressed and obsessing over things going wrong. Help please. I would most appreciate it as I am so depressed I don't want to live sometimes. I want to instead try to change some things

I need a good system for trying to keep my house not a mess. I am a big packrat and very prone to let things?
It sounds like you have OCD (obsessive/compulsive disorder). There is medication for it.

In the meantime. Do your chores in predetermined sets of 3 things to keep you on track. Then relax a bit as a reward, like going to your computer or sitting down, exercize or calling someone.

I throw away (or give away) one thing a day. That keeps me on my toes so I'm not keeping worthless crap. It feels good too to say goodbye to junk.
Reply:your other suggestion of the sets of three. Thanks to everyone who answered :) Report It

Reply:I really think you should try some counseling. There is nothing wrong with counseling and it really helps. I would also make a list everyday of a few things that you would like to get done each day and follow threw with them.Another thing is if you have now worn or used something in a year or more get rid of it. Also make sure after you do something clean up right after it is alot easier to just keep up.I think the list thing will help you get a start on things.After you can go from there
Reply:I would suggest:

If something has not been used by you in one year, give it away to friends, family, local thrift store.

If you are thinking of buying something, BEFORE you buy it, ask yourself: "How long have I lived just fine without one of these?" Learn to differentiate between LUXURY and NECESSITY.

There's nothing wrong with having an introspective personality, as long as you don't isolate yourself from friends and family. Then it is a problem.

I realized lately how I have been WASTING much time on the computer. It has no ETERNAL VALUE. In 1 day, it won't matter what emails we sent or received.

I don't know about you, but I need to get back into my New King James bible, church, and praying for others.

I sincerely hope you find your heart's desire in life.

Reply:Much of what you describe sounds as though you may have some major depression going on. Nothing will reduce energy and motivation like depression. So the first thing I would do is be evaluated for that. A good talk therapist and/or an antidepressant can totally change your outlook on life in a matter of a couple of weeks. It's almost impossible to feel joy when you're depressed. It has been said that if your outside environment is messy and cluttered, it is a sign that your insides are the same way. Get an evaluation and if depressed, get treatment right away. It has totally changed my life. Good luck.

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